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Go tell it on the mountain

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Psalm 71:6
O God, you have taught me from my youth, and till the present I proclaim your wonderful deeds.

While shepherds kept their watching
O'er silent flocks by night

I am but a poor boy and my story's seldom told. Samuel chose David from among the bigger brothers, but no one has chosen me. I watch the sheep and protect the lambs and fight off the lions too. Choose me, just once, Lord. I watch the sky and every night the stars shine bright.

Behold throughout the heavens,
There shone a holy light ...

Isn't there a place for me in your kingdom, Lord? In that singing sound of light rushing clear across the sky, is there a place for me? Oh, how beautiful you are. Raise me up into the light. Let me fly.

Go, tell it on the mountain,
Over the hills and everywhere;

No, it's not time to fly. But we can run. Time to tell the people what we've seen. We're shouting at each other, and laughing too, and jumping up and down. We have seen a great light. What does it mean? What are those angels singing?

Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.

Jesus is a newborn baby. Jesus is the Ancient of Days. Jesus is ready to nurse, and Joseph had better get a diaper ready. Jesus is the King of Kings. We are undone, and we must go and see.



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