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God's margin

Monday, November 28, 2016

Isaiah 4:5-6
A smoking cloud by day and a light of flaming fire by night, over all the Lord's glory will be shelter and protection, shade from the parching heat of day, refuge and cover from storm and rain.

There has been lots to do, and I have been so Tired! Not enough sleep. Not enough quiet mind.

My friend Frank and I found an acronym: REST. Relax. Exercise. Stay still. Take time.



Stay still.

Take time. Take time before it takes you. That's what I haven't been doing.

And breathe, which doesn't fit the acronym but matters most of all. Breathe deeply, breathe often, don't forget to breathe.

I ate lots of turkey and mashed potatoes and cranberry jello salad. I walked around many stores, up and down the aisles. Coffee with friends. Movies with family. During all of this there was, up in the air not quite visible to the naked eye, a cloud by day and fire by night. God didn't ever leave me.

That glory, my shelter and protection, and yours ... for just a glimpse we will each give all we have. I get a glimpse now and then. In those moments the shade of God's word lets me rest my eyes and wash my skin. Like a baby, new and born again.

Which reminds me, Lord, to thank you thank you thank you for the new baby in our family, resting in Andi's arms. Your prophet Isaiah has a way of opening my mind and eyes. Come and save us, Lord our God. Let your face shine upon us, and we will be saved.

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